Released: 9th January 2025
- H1, H2, List and Code options for text labels.
- [2.5.1] Fixes an issue where the scale of moving objects was off when loading a plan.
- [2.5.2] Update docs links to new docs site.
Released: 19th February 2024
- New Fit all options directly zooming to zones.
- Auto-zoom to full plan on load.
- Filter your gear (and team gear) by type and search terms from within your account.
- Delete button added to Shape items.
- Resolved an issue where Text labels and Zones would lose their text value.
- Adding gear, labels and zones will always be added to the center of the plan.
- Cable Pins get added under the cursor.
- Zones are now included in “Fit all”.
- [2.4.1] Drawing cable preview now lines up again.
- [2.4.2] Copy of team plans will keep them in the team section.
- [2.4.3] Allow for export of plans with ”.“s in the name.
Released: 15th January 2024
- Build and share gear between team members on a team plan.
- Colour selector for gear item inputs and outputs.
- Hide cable routes on Left to Right plans.
- Lots of small tweaks and improvements
- [2.3.1]: Users can now set their own name in settings.
- [2.3.1]: Hidden route cable labels no longer text-wrap when dragged off-screen.
- [2.3.2]: “Copy as CSV” added to Packlist.
- [2.3.3]: Download and Copy CSV on the Patchlist.
Released: 20th September 2023
- Speed improvements when building and interacting with plans.
- Zoom to fit all items on screen when in a plan.
- Cable key on /plan.
- Align to Top and Align to Left added to plans.
- Now showing email and name on the Settings page for easy reference.
- Shape items on plans.
- [2.2.4] “Lens” and “Controller” categories added.
- Search by Manufacturer when filtering your own gear.
- Users should now be able to set custom cable colours again and the app will remember them.
- [2.2.1] Shapes now interactable for users.
- [2.2.2] Offset initial load of plans to previous state.
- [2.2.3] Team members can now duplicate, even when there are more than 10 plans in the team section.
- [2.2.3] Upgrade page no longer crashing when data is missing.
- [2.2.4] Cable drawing should now be lined up again.
- [2.2.4] Team members can now edit cable labels.
- [2.2.4] RCA -> Minijack -> RCA connection now possible both ways.
Released: 6th April 2023
- Theme switcher in the settings.
- Added Internal Job ID to plans for internal job tracking.
- Added Internal Gear ID to private items for internal tracking.
- Up to 7 characters allowed in Cable labels.
- [2.1.2] Team Members now have full access within their individual accounts.
- [2.1.3] Non-team account will no longer be able to select the “Team” sharing option.
- Some cables that were accidentally black before are now the right colour again.
- Left to Right mode has simplified cable drawing when two gear items align.
- Improvements to CSV export of Packlists.
- [2.1.1] Fix for plan renaming not working correctly.
- [2.1.2] RCA can now be connected to XLR, XLR/Jack, and Jack connections.
Released: 28th March 2023
- Remove selection buttons on plans.
- Cable pins now hidden on shared plans.
- Dark mode and colour changes.
- Undo/Redo on plans.
- Multiple cable pins.
- Snapping grid in plans.
- Plans list now shows how “complex” the plan is for quick reference.
- “Escape” keyboard shortcut added when drawing.
- Draw and create gear on demand when drawing cables.
- Left to Right mode reworked for better cable and label drawing.
- Improvements to mobile and small screen experience.
- Clicking outside gear items on a plan will deselect all items.
- [2.0.1] Improvements to grid snapping.
- [2.0.1] Connect all custom cables to and from other cable types.
- [2.0.1] Remove cookie banner from /plan.
Released: 17th February 2023
Released: 29th December 2022
- Cable labels are now default for all cables created.
- Download Packlist as CSV.
- 5 Custom Cable types added for user-specific items.
- Left to Right mode cable improvements.
- Clearer process to cancel a paid subscription.
- Easier to delete a cable label.
- Remove Cable Pins from PDF exports.
- [1.22.1] Typos fixed on /upgrade.
- [1.22.1] Allow non-paid account to add gear again, this was temporarily broken.
- [1.22.2] Non-paid users can now add gear items again.
- [1.22.3] Removing a plans dates will no longer impact the plans list.
- [1.22.4] Switching between /plans and /team/plans now force loads all plans.
- [1.22.4] Improvements to sorting of search results.
- [1.22.4] Improvements to the re-rendering of cables.
Released: 28th November 2022
- Left-to-right mode for ‘Pro’ and ‘Team’ users.
- URL of plans now contains the plan name.
- Team plans can now be shared outside of the team in read-only mode.
- Add save button back to the /plan page.
- / now goes to /plans.
- Better search for all Pro users.
- Search memory dumped more often for significant speed improvements.
Released: 9th August, 2022
- Thunderbolt and USB-C now connect to HDMI.
- Select all, Copy, Paste and Delete keyboard shortcuts.
- Rework of /plan for more helpful information and navigation.
- Connect cables from Input to Output and Output to Input.
- Arrows removed from Bi-Directional connections.
- Right-click menu added to cables.
- Added Label and Length to Patchlist and Packlist.
- Newly added gear items will be selected when the modal closes.
- Quick builder feature when adding gear.
- Better gear item editing, right on the plan.
- Resizing zones now works across browsers.
- Touch events fix for touch devices when interacting with /plan.
- Add login button to /404.
- Sidebar logo links to /plans.
- Adding cables will no longer select the gear item.
- New delete buttons for zones and text labels.
- Example images for Patchlist, Zones, Share and Export for non-paid users.
- XLR/Jack now connects to XLR/Jack.
- Checkout buttons temporally broken and now fixed (1.20.1)
- PNG export working as expected again (1.20.2)
Released: 15th June, 2022
- Export PDF & JPEG (WIP).
- Keyboard shortcuts on /plan. “W”, “A”, “S”, “M”, “I”, “O”, arrow keys and shift modifiers.
- Added EtherCon connector.
- Gear items on the Packlist are now collapsed. For example: “5x Converters”.
- Pack and Unpack all gear, cables and extras on a Packlist.
- Zone backgrounds can now be used to pan the plan.
- Zone colours and options now moved to the top of the zone.
- Text Label colours are now clearer.
- Higher Max Zoom on Plans.
- Clarification of what an active plan is. Removed “included” from pricing breakdown.
- Text cursor now fixed on Safari when creating cables and dragging items.
- Selection of single or multiple gear items and move them together.
- MIDI, Lightning, PowerCon, Speakon & DMX connector types added.
- Searchable list of connector types on /builder.
- Email signup added to /plans page.
- Removed tab access of draggable component on the Builder.
- [1.18.1] Small fix for /builder where “Create Copy and edit” was not working.
- [1.18.2] Re-ordering items on /builder will not work as expected.
Patchlists now part of the Pro/Team subscriptions
- Team mode. Create a team, share plans and manage members. (Team subscriptions now available)
- Zones to mark areas on your plan. (Paid feature)
- Clearer billing history and cancel links added.
- Export PNGs now include arrows.
- Patchlist. See how your inputs/outputs are patched, and copy a CSV.
- Add gear to your collection right from the /gear page.
- Notifications for adding gear and plan-based issues
- All subscribed users now see an upgrade/downgrade email link.
- Marketing emails checkbox on settings page.
- Inputs/Outputs that are connected are now greyed out for visual clarity.
- Output side of cables now have a marker.
- Hover over a cable to hide all cables/items that are not connected to it.
- Export: Download a PNG of your plan for use in other apps/tools. (Paid feature).
- New cable type: Power.
- New connections: HDMI<>DVI, HDMI<>DisplayPort.
- Text copy working on Packlist (both /plan and /plans).