H2R Gear

Text label

A text label allows you to add more information to your plan.

A newly created text label
A newly created text label

Text labels can be placed anywhere on your plan and can have a range of colours.

Font and style options

Text labels can have a few extra styling options applied.

Text label with styles applied
Text label with styles applied

Here is a list of the currently supported options and the keyboard shortcut for each.

  • CMD+B or CTRL+B for Bold.
  • CMD+I or CTRL+I for Italic.
  • CMD+U or CTRL+U for Underlined.

Additionally, you can add more styling with the style tool bar.

Toolbar with styling options
Toolbar with styling options

Styles include:

  • H1: Heading.
  • H2: Sub-heading.
  • P: Regular text.
  • Code: A highlighted box of text.
  • Unordered list: A list with bullet points.
  • Ordered list: A list with numbers.

Delete a text label

Use the trash icon at the bottom left of a text label to remove it from your plan.

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