H2R Gear


A Packlist is like a to-do list for your gear items and cables.

Packlist open on a plan editor
Packlist open on a plan editor

The Packlist can be opened from the home page or within a plan.

Adding items to the Packlist

Gear items and cables are automatically added to your Packlist based on the plan.

You can also add any item to the Extras section but typing in the box and hitting Enter.

Adding an extra item
Adding an extra item

Pack progress

You can mark any item as packed but clicking on it within the Packlist.

Packing a Packlist
Packing a Packlist

You’ll see the % Packed update at the top right.

Remove items from the Packlist

To remove gear items or cables, you should delete those from your plan.

To remove an Extra item, hover over it and choose Remove.

Removing an Extra item from the Packlist
Removing an Extra item from the Packlist

Download as CSV

You can download the Packlist as CSV by clicking on the “Download as CSV” option.

Downloading a Packlist
Downloading a Packlist

Once downloaded, you can open this CSV in your favourite CSV-reader and use it as you wish.

Packlist opened in Apple Numbers
Packlist opened in Apple Numbers

Ready to get organised?

Start using H2R Gear to plan your next setup.

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